Unknown column 'imgnm99' in 'field list' <<< [RuntimeError - Query] >>>>>> /usr/local/php5217/lib/php/_2many/hv2.5/lib/functions/igear_dbms_mysql.php(281 line) >>> /usr/local/php5217/lib/php/_2many/hv2.5/lib/functions/igear_dbms_mysql.php(318 line) >>> /home/newsofttown/public_html.ws/front/product/product_paginglist.exec.php(65 line) >>> /home/newsofttown/public_html.ws/front/product/product_list.php(72 line) SELECT pc.pinid , pc.tablenm , pc.depth , a.seq , chargeflag , transuseflag , transpricefreelimit , productnm , walletpayflag , walletpaytype , walletpayrange , wallet_cash , wallet_cash_perc , pricerepword , imgnm1 , imgnm2 , imgnm3 , imgnm4 , if('99' = '99' , a.addimage , imgnm99) as applyimage , if('99' = '99' , 99 , '99') as is_addimage , customprice , sellprice , basissupplyprice , barcode , barcodetype , goodsdesc , a.prtcode , pricestruc , defaultoptflag , stockflag , a.regdate , a.is_stockordering , a.soldoutflag , a.tstockamt , pc.psortid FROM igear_product_category pc , igear_product a , igear_category ca WHERE pc.viewctrl = '1' AND a.viewctrl <> '3' AND pc.tablenm = 'default' AND pc.product_seq = a.seq AND ca.ccode = '16482' AND ca.viewctrl <> '3' AND pc.tablenm = ca.tablenm AND pc.pinid = ca.pinid GROUP BY pc.product_seq ORDER BY pc.psortid,seq desc LIMIT 20 |